Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Most Extraordinary Fresh Limeade

The Most Extraordinary Fresh Limeade Recipe The Most Extraordinary Fresh LimeadeWeekends are a time to kick back, sit on the deck, and sip some lemonade or limeade with friends and family.
The only hard part about this drink is squeezing the juice from the limes. This time, I used key limes which have about a teaspoon of juice in each, so I was squeezing for awhile. You could also use lemons or regular Persian limes.

Key Limes and Limes
Key limes are smaller than regular limes. They are a lighter green (yellow when ripe), thinner-skinned, and more tart than a regular lime.

Key lime, Meyer lemon, and Regular lemon

Key lime, Meyer lemon, Regular lemon tower

Recipe for The Most Extraordinary Fresh Limeade

Recipe for Limeade
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 cup lime juice (or lemon juice), freshly squeezed

Melt water and sugar until it boils. Remove from heat and cool. Stir in the freshly squeezed lime juice. Chill.

In a glass, pour 1 cup lime juice mixture and 1 cup water. Serve with ice.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how small those little suckers are! You must have been squeezing forever! Kudos!

Shari said...

Hey Carrie - thanks for dropping by. That picture of my old-fashioned juicer is a bit deceiving, but it's definitely more photogenic than my food processor! However, I love my Grandmother's juicer of the 1-lemon-at-a-time recipes. said...

Hi There. I have just been looking through your blog and it is excellent. I have now bookmarked it and will be a regular reader. I especially like the design and the photos. I am a blogger myself and have set up a site called where bloggers and foodies can share their photos and drive traffic to their own blog. Would love to see some of your great photos on there! Keep the great work up on the blog. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

your pictures are so clean are refreshing! yummy!

Anonymous said...

Yum. Limeade is the best. I made it today, and it's so tasty!

Housing Grant said...

I'm going to try this limeade tonight for dinner. I have made it before, but it always turns out too watery and mild. I think that I've been not using enough lime juice. Thanks for sharing this recipe!