This month, the Daring Bakers were asked to make a Danish braid the original Danish way, making layers of flaky, buttery pastry. It’s a laminated dough, similar to puff pastry, but with sugar and fewer turns. Tough. Daring. I’ve only made laminated dough once before, so I called in an expert, a friend’s mom who has made puff pastry many times and hundreds of breads.
To me, a Danish from the local bakery or grocery store is usually a stale, pastry with some blah fruit on top and a sticky drizzle of icing. But, freshly-made-from-your-own-oven Danish pastry is a whole other delight and worth the hours of rolling and waiting.

A Danish in Denmark is not a Danish. This pastry is known as Wienerbrød in Danish, meaning Vienna bread. In Northern European countries and France, this pastry is referred to as “Viennese”. In Austria and Germany, this pastry is referred to as “Kopenhagener Gebäck”.
Thanks to a bakers' strike by the Danes in the late 19th century, bakers from Vienna were brought in as replacements, and with them came Wienerbrød.
You can use the Danish pastry to make bear's claws, crescents, envelopes, palm leaves, pinwheels, pretzel shapes (called kringles), and snails. Our task was to make a braid. We could use any filling choice we wanted as long as it was homemade.
A filling for Danish pastry can be anything: from pastry cream with jam to cream cheese and fruit, to something savory.
I chose to make cinnamon pastry cream with a strawberry-raspberry-rhubarb-orange-lavender filling. I also filled one with homemade blueberry jam. And in another, we used ground almonds, raisins, and icing sugar.
50-year-old Recipe for Danish Pastry

Danish Pastry (50-year-old handwritten recipe)
8 ounces plain flour
¾ ounce yeast (fresh)
¾ ounce lard
1 standard egg
¾ ounce castor sugar
4 ounces Echo margarine
2 ounces ground almonds
4 ounces castor sugar
1 small egg white
2 ounces sultanas
1 ounce chopped nuts
2 ounces icing sugar
Method - Dough
1. Place flour, salt and sugar in mound on table. Make well in middle.
2. Pour in centre fat (just melted) not hot and egg
3. Mix yeast with little warm water and pour in centre (not too runny)
4. Fold together with hands and add enough milk to make soft dough
5. Knead until silky
6. Leave to rest 10-15 minutes
7. Make filling: mix almond, sugar and egg white to soft spread
8. Roll out dough to large rectangle
9. Spread 2/3 with margarine, fold over uncovered portion to centre;
turn and roll twice (use plenty of flour)
10. Roll out to very thin to large square (do it slowly so margarine does
not come through)
11. Spread with almond mixture and sultanas
12. Roll up and cut through centre. Plait from centre out and make
into ring. Brush with egg yolk and cover with chopped walnuts or
almonds. Put on well greased baking tin
13. Prove for 15 minutes on plate rack on oven
14. Bake in over 375 degrees for 25 minutes
15. Brush with water ice while still hot.
I loved the filling in this 50-year-old recipe. We added a hint of almond extract as well, and the flavor was delicious. The pastry was crisper and not as bread-like as the Daring Baker one. It was more similar to the ones I’ve bought at the store, but better because it was fresh from the oven. And, it was so much easier to whip up. In the time it took to rest the dough between folds, we had this recipe ready for the oven!
I like the quote in the hand-written recipe:
“Guaranteed to put on inches!”
Here is a useful video about how to braid the dough. As usual, Joe Pastry provides lots of good information about laminated dough.
Recipe: Danish Dough
from The Secrets of Baking (affiliate link) by Sherry YardTo see the different Danish Braids cropping up all over the foodblogosphere, check out the Daring Bakers Blogroll.

Make the beurrage: Combine butter and flour and beat on medium speed for 1 minute. Set aside.
After the détrempe has chilled 30 minutes, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll the dough into approximately 18 x 13 inches and ¼ inch thick rectangle. Dust the dough with flour if it is sticky. Spread the butter evenly over the center and right third of the dough. Fold the left edge of the détrempe to the right, covering half of the butter. Fold the right third of the rectangle over the center third. The first turn has now been completed. Mark the dough by poking it with your finger to keep track of your turns. Place the dough on a baking sheet, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Place the dough lengthwise on a floured work surface. The open ends should be to your right and left. Roll the dough into another approximately 18 x 13 inches and ¼ inch thick rectangle. Again, fold the left third of the rectangle over the center third and the right third over the center third. No additional butter will be added as it is already in the dough. The second turn has now been completed. Mark the dough by poking it twice with your finger to keep track of your turns. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.
Roll out, turn, and refrigerate the dough two more times, for a total of four single turns. Make sure you are keeping track of your turns. Refrigerate the dough after the final turn for at least 5 hours or overnight. The Danish dough is now ready to be used. If you will not be using the dough within 24 hours, freeze it. To do this, roll the dough out to about 1 inch in thickness, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and freeze. Defrost the dough slowly in the refrigerator for the easiest handling. You can keep Danish dough in the freezer for up to 1 month.
Filling: Cinnamon Pastry Cream and Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Orange Lavender Preserve
For the Cinnamon Pastry Cream
2 cups whole milk
2 cinnamon sticks
6 large egg yolks
½ cup sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch, sifted
1½ teaspoons vanilla
3½ tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 3 pats, at room temperature
Bring the milk and the cinnamon sticks to a boil in a small pot. Turn off the heat and allow the milk and vanilla to infuse for at least 10 minutes, or up to an hour.
In another saucepan, whisk the eggs, sugar, and cornstarch until smooth. Slowly drizzle in the milk, whisking constantly. If the milk is hot go slowly as it may curdle the eggs.
Once the milk and egg mixture are combined, remove the cinnamon sticks and set the pan over medium heat. Whisk until the mixture comes to a boil. Continue to whisk for a further minute or two. The mixture should be thick and creamy. Remove the pan from the heat.
Whisk in the vanilla and let sit for about 5 minutes.
Whisk in the butter slowly. Place plastic wrap directly on the surface of the cream and refrigerate until ready to use.
For the Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Orange Lavender Preserves

1 cup raspberries
2 stalk rhubarb, chopped
1 whole orange, whizzed in the food processor
Sprinkle of lavender
3 cups sugar
Cook this mixture for 1 hour. The natural pectin in the orange will give you the jell you need.
Makes enough for 2 large braids
1 recipe Danish Dough
2 cups filling, jam, or preserves
1 large egg, for egg wash
Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper. On a lightly floured surface, roll the Danish Dough into a 15 x 20-inch rectangle, ¼ inch thick. If the dough seems elastic and shrinks back when rolled, let it rest for a few minutes, then roll again. Place the dough on the baking sheet.
Along one long side of the pastry make parallel, 5-inch-long cuts with a knife or rolling pastry wheel, each about 1 inch apart. Repeat on the opposite side, making sure to line up the cuts with those you’ve already made.
Spoon the filling you’ve chosen to fill your braid down the center of the rectangle. Starting with the top and bottom “flaps”, fold the top flap down over the filling to cover. Next, fold the bottom “flap” up to cover the filling. This helps keep the braid neat and helps to hold in the filling. Now begin folding the cut side strips of dough over the filling, alternating first left, then right, left, right, until finished. Trim any excess dough and tuck in the ends.
Whisk the whole egg lightly coat the braid with a pastry brush.
Spray cooking oil onto a piece of plastic wrap, and place over the braid. Proof at room temperature or, if possible, in a controlled 90˚F environment for about 2 hours, or until doubled in volume and light to the touch.
Near the end of proofing, preheat oven to 400˚F. Position a rack in the center of the oven.
Bake for 10 minutes, then rotate the pan so that the side of the braid previously in the back of the oven is now in the front. Lower the oven temperature to 350˚F, and bake for about 15-20 minutes more, or until golden brown. Cool and serve the braid either still warm from the oven or at room temperature. The cooled braid can be wrapped airtight and stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, or frozen for 1 month
I learned some things while doing this recipe:
• Use even pressure when rolling. It’s hard work and requires patience.
• Pull and stretch the dough to keep it a rectangle. Keep it neat and even.
• After you fold the dough, pull and stretch it to make it a neat rectangle.
• When you’re ready to put the filling on the dough, move it to a piece of parchment paper first. It’s very difficult to move once it’s been filled and braided!

I loved the smell of the cardamom, vanilla and orange in the Danish dough. In the finished braid, you could see the layers of pastry and the bread-like texture was delicious!
I also liked how quickly the 50-year-old recipe came together. I will definitely be pulling that recipe out again. The filling is a keeper too and so simple.
A shout of thanks to Mrs. C. for helping me with this Daring Baker challenge! I learned a lot!!
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Well, no wonder you have been absent around here...you were one BUSY lady!
This is so gorgeous...just magnificent looking. I don't know how you could bring yourself to cut it up and eat it. Bet it was as good as it looks.
Descriptions and photos really stellar. You are a baking star. Someday I will be able to say, "Oh, I knew her when....."
That's a really neat recipe you have there. Yours looks very nice.
Simply wonderful; can't wait to give it a whirl myself.
My German Grandmother had a variation of this; makes me reminisce...
Okay I think you need to type up that recipe that you have there!
Great looking braid!
Beautiful Braid you did a great job
And all your pictures are very nice
Strawberry, Rhubarb, Orange and Lavender?!!!I think I"m in love! What a great recipe. My sister has a neighbor that has a danish dough from her grandma and she won't share it. She claims it makes the best cinnamon rolls. She promised me some for this christmas-I think I might be able to hold off till fall before I bang down her door.
You really are a true talent!
thanks to you and mrs c for sharing that hand-written recipe with us--that one has me drooling! very cool to do a comparison!
A beautiful braid. Thank you for the handwritten recipe and for the link to Joe Pastry - all very interesting and useful.
Oh, holy cow! That filling sounds sinful! Your braid looks terrific and you get an A+ for bringing in a friend and making two recipes.
Nice pictures, I love the one with the crossword puzzle.
Great comparison of two great sounding recipes! Well done!!
Your Braid looks gorgeous! So well risen and golden! I like the old recipe you have here:)
i think by far this is my most fav post from your blog. I always appreciate the background & tasting notes you include, but the extra inclusion of Mrs C's * 50 * year old recipe is making me feel all warm inside out
wow, 2 for 1! your braids look so beautiful! and the filling! wow! Cinnamon Pastry Cream and Strawberry Raspberry Rhubarb Orange Lavender Preserve...mmmmmmmmm!
Your Danish Braids look absolutely wonderfully delicious. Next time I will add pastry cream to mine.
Great post and photos. Thanks for sharing the video and especially the 50 year old recipe - that is really precious.
Hi, I found you from Adoptic and I am really glad I did. You have a beautiful site and you do a great job here. Your Danish Braid is wonderful and it was a really difficult challenge. I do not dare to register with Daring Bakers as I consider that I am not ready for their challenges yet.
Fabulous! You did a great job! Nice filling!
Mmmm... love the combo of lavender and cardamom... your braid looks yummilicious :)
I can't believe that you made two different danish recipes! Your braid looks perfect and your fruit filling sounds divine!
great job! it was fun wasn't it? :D
love your pics btw! :)
Neat that you compared the two recipes. And the cinnamon pastry cream sounds delicious.
Beautifully done! Photos are gorgeous!
great job. i adore lavender so this is definitely a recipe i will try.
Shari-that filling is SO CREATIVE! I can just imagine how tasty it was!
i love the choice of filling shari... beautiful braid!
wow, two different braids! love the 50 year recipe, especially that oh so helpful hint (not like it kept me from devouring it!) your photos are beautiful!
What a cool thing to do - I love that you compared the braids and brought a little history to it! (Not to mention, they look terrific!!)
Wow, your braid looks perfect, and those preserves sound incredible. I love cooking with lavender, and that combination sounds great ... I may have to give that a try with the other half of my braid dough which I stuck in the freezer!
So beautiful! Looks delicious and I love your photos
I love old hand-written recipes - I'll have to try that version. You filling is sublime. Wonderful job!
I love your fillings, wow! Your braids look wonderful. Great job!
Great filling combo - i think you did a wonderful job!
Beautiful photos and braids - and I love the story about the 50 year old recipe!
It looks beautiful..great job!!
how nice to be able to have a taste of history like that!
Your braids look and sound just wonderful! I love the fillings you used too! Very impressive!
Looks wonderful! I love the photos. Great job!
Ooo love the last photo! Your braid looks perfect. And how fun to get to try out two braid recipes!
Wow! Your braid looks gorgeous. I too am now in love with the smell of vanilla, cardamom and orange in a bread dough. Maybe I'll make a brioche with those flavors?! Sounds like a plan
Thanks everyone for dropping by and leaving a comment! I really appreciate it.
Oh wow that looks amazing!
Wow that is a wonderful post, with such amazing pictures.
I didn't realize before that you were also from Ottawa. I think that makes 5-6 of us DB'ers from here.
beautiful...and you know after my baking class, i really appreciate the time it takes to make pastries. the braided danish is perfect!
your braid looks good! interesting filling recipe. sounds delicious!
I love that you tried the other recipe as well. Your braids turned out beautiful and the cinnamon cream sounds delicious!
can you type out the handwritten ingredient list? I'm having trouble reading it, but am much more likely to attempt this recipe...THANK YOU!
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