Like Susan Boyle, this pudding is an old-fashioned dessert that "transcends its homey origins." I love the custard-y, delicately flavored middle with a tinge of crustiness on the outside in each bite. Since my favorite bread pudding is plain old vanilla, I divided my recipe in half and added the chocolate to one pan and vanilla to the other.
The pudding is baked in a water bath to avoid the custard from curdling or drying out. Next time, I want to try making this pudding with a more interesting bread, like brioche.
Recipe: Four-Star Chocolate Bread Pudding
Makes: 12 servings
12 ounces bread (brioche, challah, or white), preferably stale
½ cup moist, plump raisins (dark or golden) or dried cherries (optional)
3 cups whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
3 large eggs
4 large egg yolks
½ cup sugar
6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
You can find the recipe for Four-Star Chocolate Bread Pudding in the book Baking:
From My Home to Yours (affiliate link) by Dorie Greenspan or here. To see how the rest of the TWD group fared with this week's recipe, click here and then click on each blogger! Thanks to Lauren of Upper East Side Chronicle who chose the recipe for this week.
Tasting Notes
With this recipe, I got two for one: a dessert for the chocolate lovers and one for those with a more subtle palate. And both were four-star.
Links to Other Chocolate Bread Puddings
• Cheflorious: Irish Chocolate Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce
• What's For Lunch, Honey? Roasted Pumpkin and Chocolate Bread Pudding
Recipe for Next Week (April 28)
Chocolate Cream Tart on pages 352 and 353 chosen by Kim of Scrumptious Photography.

With this recipe, I got two for one: a dessert for the chocolate lovers and one for those with a more subtle palate. And both were four-star.
Links to Other Chocolate Bread Puddings
• Cheflorious: Irish Chocolate Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce
• What's For Lunch, Honey? Roasted Pumpkin and Chocolate Bread Pudding
Recipe for Next Week (April 28)
Chocolate Cream Tart on pages 352 and 353 chosen by Kim of Scrumptious Photography.
More to Explore:
well done shari, your bread pudding looks great !!
Susan Boyle makes me want to cheer too! (and shake my hips sassily every time someone mentions...or I think about...my similar age!) I love your presentation of brioche bread pudding in a brioche mold, and I'm glad you enjoyed this. I appreciated the crusty bits, too.
Yum! Looks great!
Both your bread puddings looks delicious! I love the pans too!
I love bread pudding! I've had pumpkin bread pudding and I've had chocolate chip bread pudding. Both were tasty but this one looks absolutely incredible!
Bread pudding is one of those feel good desserts. I also prefer vanilla but there is a really good one for sweet almond bread pudding in the swee melissa baking book. I make it with brioche and its incredible.
I have never been a bread pudding fan but this one has chocolate. No way it can be hated on.
Nicely done!
I loved Susan's video too, so glad she's getting the attention she deserves :)
I am a fan on vanilla custard bread pudding, but I really liked this one too. It was even better drizzled with chocolate sauce or cream anglaise!
Oh wow...Love the baking tin! Great job!
I love the pan. And a twofer? That's just a bonus.
I loved this recipe!!
Oh that reminds me of a Maltese bread pudding I came across a while ago. I've been itching to try a recipe that adds chocolate to a bread pudding. Yours looked like they turned out great!
May I ask where you purchased the fluted baking mold pictured?
As for Susan Boyle, she's spectacular. What a wonderful voice...What character..What pause we all have to take to question pre-conceived ideas of women in the music industry...
Baking it in a bundt pan is such a great idea!
I don't know why, but I never liked bread pudding until recently. Both versions look delicious! I'll start with the vanilla, please.
Shari that looks good. I like the idea of two kinds.
Good idea, making a non-chocolate version. They both look fantastic!
I agree, Susan Boyle is incredible. I'm so happy for her.
I like the fact that you did two versions. I am such a fan of plain old bread pudding that I would hate to risk using chocolate in it. But doing both versions -- now that's a plan!! Beautifully executed!
You're absolutely right, right on the button! Susan Boyle!
Not a very pretty pudding (unless someone like you who knows how to make everything look amazing, is around) ...but oh! so surprisingly great tasty!
Huh!? What do you know... I'm sure you'd be great at star-styling, Shari!
(Love the old pudding moulds!)
Looks so good!
I love Susan Boyle too - that video is amazing. This was my first time trying bread pudding and I loved it! Yours looks wonderful. I sort of wish I'd made vanilla too - just to see if I like it.
I recognize that block of chocolate in the picture!
This was just an amazing dessert - I wish I could eat it every day!
Ooooh, this bread pudding looks divine! I haven't made a bread pudding in forever--I need to try one again!
Great post, Shari! And thanks for the Boyle link - isn't she something?
Love that you made two kinds - of course, YOU would!
Oh my word, this IS the Susan Boyle of desserts! I'm sure I've watched that clip 20 times - amazing! Your pudding looks beautiful (and I am sure that I would love the vanilla version too!)
Your bread pudding looks great. I liked the chocolate, but have a feeling I would love the vanilla just as much!
Brilliant....the susan boyle refernce is perfect for this week...
Great that you liked both versions and that you made both versions so we could all have a peak! I love the little baking pans you used. Very nice.
Ok! Lovely pudding really.
But Susan Doyle? Really?
Didn't Susan's "church lady" dress and all those faux tears out of the pretty blond judge strike you as a little to "pat"?
I am not saying she is not talented, but I suspect a little directing and wardrobe professionals were involved in that whole "production"! GREG
You'll love either the brioche or challah. Those little "bread sponges" deliver such buttery flavor. Yum ! The pan you used is perfect and thanks for the lovely link to Susan's performance. Isn't she amazing. I love it when the underdog knocks your socks off. Great job, Shari.
I love the pan you used for your bread pudding! And thanks for posting the Susan Boyle video, I finally broke down and watched it. Amazing.
This looks great! I love using the brioche. That is a great idea.
Your bread pudding looks fantastic. I like how you compared it to susan boyle. I still don't know who she is, but I do get the pop culture reference.
Right on - I'm there with you on the analogy. I loved this bread pudding, and I'm beginning to wonder if I just avoided it for all that time out of prejudice against its looks.
Your comparison with Susan Boyle is great! On the surface, she doesn't look the part, but there's a real gift that deserves to shine. Humble origins. World class.
Susan Boyle is being compared to anything and everything these days :)
Your bread pudding looks great - I love that rich colour it's got.
The fluted pans make the bread puddings look so festive. I am glad both were winners.
Mmm, your bread pudding looks totally awesome, Shari! I love that you did the ole vanilla and chocolate combo! I wish I could have some right this instant!
I love the pan you used. Your pictures look great.
Love your likening this to Susan Boyle. Your photos are great. I'm a bread pudding convert.
Great idea to split the flavors! Both look like they turned out really yummy!
I love your cute little pans that you baked this in. It looks delicious.
I love the Susan Boyle clip too.
Ooh, it's pretty and I really like the last picture. I'm not a fan of bread pudding, but this tempts me :-)
i love your comparison to miz boyle, and i can't seem to tear my eyes away from your gorgeous pudding. toss in an extra star for appearance. :)
Wow Shari those look amazing and I love the pans you used! I loved watching that video, too- her talent is amazing!
Fantastic! Love it (and Susan Boyle)!
Oohh...chocolate and vanilla bread puddings, and they both look so yummy! How to decide? Both please!
I found your blog thru marc (norecipes). I love bread pudding and am complete favor of the brioche because butter is delicious.
I definitely listened to susan boyle way too many times and slowed down my office server.
Anyhow looks like I want to eat.
Love the brioche pan u used. The pudding looks really, really good. ANd Susan was wonderful wasn't she.
that looks so good! My mom loves bread pudding, but i don't think i've ever had it, perhaps i'll have to make it for both of us soon!
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