Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesdays with Dorie—Honey-Peach Ice Cream

Honey-Peach Ice CreamIt begins with a cow. And then a chicken. Followed by some fruit, bees and sugar cane. Whoever thought to put all these ingredients together and freeze them was brilliant.

We've been making lots of {smartie and kit kat} ice cream since buying a deluxe model ice cream maker, the Cuisinart Supreme Commercial Quality Ice Cream Maker - ICE-50BC, earlier this year and haven't purchased a tub from the grocery store since.

According to MakeIceCream.com, vanilla is the most popular flavor of ice cream at 29% followed by chocolate at 8.9%. Honey-peach wasn't in the top 15, but it was tasty.

Recipe: Honey-Peach Ice Cream

Makes: about 1 quart (4 cups)

Honey-Peach Ice Cream ingredients


4 large ripe peaches (about 2 pounds), peeled and pitted
¼ cup honey
1 cup whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
3 large egg yolks
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

You can find the recipe for Honey-Peach Ice Cream in the book Baking: From My Home to Yours (affiliate link) by Dorie Greenspan. To see how the rest of the TWD group fared with this week's recipe, click here and then click on each blogger! Thanks to Tommi of Brown Interior who chose the recipe for this week and will post the recipe.

Honey-Peach Ice CreamTasting Notes
This ice cream was popular at our house. Though I found it a little subtle, everyone else loved it. I think it would be nice with a touch more peach flavor.

For a popular vanilla and coffee ice cream recipe, see Crème glacée vanilla (Vanilla ice cream) and Glace au café (Coffee ice cream).

Recipe for Next Week (June 23)
Andrea of Andrea In The Kitchen chose Coconut-Roasted Pineapple Dacquoise on pages 293-295.


Anonymous said...

MMM. I have a thing for peach ice cream. But don't get it enough. I gave up on our little cuisinart maker and passed it on to a more appreciative home, but cast longing eyes at the commercial one...perhaps one day. Thanks for sharing those great pics, and reminding me this recipe is in Dorie's cookbook.

Sara said...

Yum, looks really good!! Gorgeous photos. :)

natalia said...

Ciao ! I love your photos !Beautiful ice cream soop !!!

Monica H said...

Looks delicious! I bet the combination was wonderfully dreamy...

Amanda said...

G;ad it was well received there :) it LOOKS beautiful! I'm not a fan of peaches, so I subbed plums and while mine looks beautiful, it came out horribly bitter. Oh well :-P better luck next week!

Hindy said...

Your ice cream looks yummy! Glad you enjoyed.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

We found this a little subtle as well. :) But it sure was delicious!

karen said...

i loved this ice cream. Once it was done, it didn't even last a few minutes around here. beautiful photos as always, shari!

lisa is cooking said...

Peaches and cream in ice cream form sounds amazing! I'm having ice cream maker envy. I have to get one!

grace said...

good ol' farm animals--who knew they would end up being responsible for such an amazing treat? excellent work. :)

Unknown said...

Kit kat ice cream?? Now that's an idea I can get behind :) Your photos are terrific!

Maria said...

I made this last summer and loved it. I love your photos, gorgeous like always!

vibi said...

WOW! Crazy great texture on that ice cream Shari! Bravo...
WOuld you happen to be moving? with that plastic bubble wrap... or did you buy a new kitchen device??? HUH? HUH? HUH?

doughmesstic said...

Ahhh, great photos! Is that your EMile Pie Plate? :)

I couldn't get past the honey, so I skipped this week. Made cuppys instead! Yum!

Manggy said...

You got an ICE-50BC?!?! You lucky duck!!! If I had one I'd never stop making ice cream too!!!

Soy*Baby said...

Looks fantastic. I always love your photos. I'll have to start making more homemade ice cream. Just need to find some room in my freezer for the bowl.

Anonymous said...

Your ice cream look wonderful! I never by store bought ice cream any more too.

Leslie said...

This looks so yummy, I wish I still had some left!

chocolatechic said...

So glad you all liked it.

I think I'll stick with chocolate.

NKP said...

That does look really tasty. I like strawberry (real) glad to see it in the top 5!

Kayte said...

Smartie and Kit Kat ice cream...LOL...so cute. I love the simplicity of the ice cream on the scoop in the photo...and that ice cream looks amazing!

Katrina said...

Looks de-lish! Glad everyone liked it!

The Food Librarian said...

Oh. So lovely! Each week is more beautiful than the last, Shari! This looks so good. And that sounds like a powerful ice cream maker!! Wow!

Susan @ SGCC said...

Your ice cream looks so luscious! Well done! Don't you just love that machine? I couldn't live without mine!

angela@spinachtiger said...

I like the cow, chicken, description. Did you mention bee? :) I agree about the taste. I used six peaches and it was still subtle. I might double the peaches next time.

katie said...

In SF, Frog Hollow has the BEST DANG PEACHES. Everybody is posting the about ice cream and I want to join! Sadly, no ice cream maker.

I am storing your recipes for the day I get one.

Michele said...

Your ice cream looks just perfect!

pigpigscorner said...

How nice to have an ice-cream maker! THe ice-cream looks so smooth!

Teanna said...

Honey peach should be in the top 15 because it was SO Good! Your ice cream looks delicious! I'd love to try some of that kit kat ice cream, though!

Anonymous said...

Your Honey Peach Ice Cream looks gorgeous! I love that photo of it in the ice cream scoop!
Smarties are my favorite candy - it never occurred to me to make an ice cream with it! Sounds delish!
And I have ice cream maker envy now... =)

Healthy Diaries said...

WOW! We can never get enough of your pictures. They're just amazing!What kind of camera do you use if you don't mind us asking??

nora@ffr said...

looks mighty tasty! A must make!!

Jodie said...

Looks great. But can I have some of the kit kat ice cream?

TeaLady said...

Great looking velvety ice cream.

I love peachy ice cream and cannot wait to try it again with REAL peaches.

CookiePie said...

That looks soooo delicious - gorgeous photos!

Carol Peterman/TableFare said...

Your ice cream looks beautiful. I have had my ice cream maker for a few years, yet I am still surprised at how easy it is to make ice cream every time I do it.

Annette said...

Oh, I have ice cream maker envy! Does it work a lot better than the kind that you freeze the bowl? Your ice cream looks delicious! We like it at our house too.

Unknown said...
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